Heather with her helmet on27.08.2012

On Sunday I went on a shopping trip with my granny Nettles. First we went to hobbycraft. I got a very big box to store my craft things and little boxes to go in the big box. For my present my granny Nettles got me a lot of pro markers and a book to colour in with them and a box to store them in. I got Burger king for lunch and I got a kids meal from Burger King. In the kids meal I got a couple of chicken nuggets and some chips, I got a toy and for my drink I got sprite. After that we went to a car show for my grandfather but luckily there was craft there. We got a two cone ice cream with a flake in it. We went back to my granny and grandfathers house and my granny gave me a demonstration of how to use pro markers properly then we went to my house. I had a great surprise I had the Wii in my room, it was awesome!